CASS Educational Foundation Advocates For Sustainable Development And Interfaith Collaboration Through Interfaith Alliance For SDG Action Plan Project IASAP. 

By, giwa alex, Jos 

CASS Educational Foundation has launched The Interfaith Alliance for SDG Action Plan (Project IASAP), In Plateau State, a collaborative effort that seeks to empower students for sustainable development through interfaith dialogue and action, enabling them to contribute meaningfully to the Sustainable Development Goals in their communities.

The call for mutual respect and understanding of each other’s faith irrespective of religion, in the achievement of the United Nations SDG Agenda 2030 was advocated during a one-day workshop organized by CASS Educational Foundation with support from the United Religious Initiative in partnership with the Nigerian Youth SDGS Network held 3rd June 2024 at RUNIICON Hotel along Rayfield Road Jos, Plateau state. Research revealed that most of the crises that have engulfed the Plateau in the time past have religious coloration largely because of interfaith misunderstandings.

Speaking in an interview with Journalists, the Program Director of CASSEF Godwin Lasisi said the workshop is primarily focused on secondary school students for Interfaith Collaboration to allow youths at their younger stage to come together towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

He stated the aim of project IASAP is to educate young people across all educational institutions students across primary, secondary, and university levels on the importance of respecting one another Faith while working on the United Nations’ efforts for sustainable development through integration and incorporation of the SDGs in their school clubs and societies particularly SDG 3, 4, 13, 16 &17 which focuses on Good Health and Wellbeing, Quality Education, Climate Action, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and Partnership for the Goals.

Lasisi explained further that the initiative was inspired by a successful pilot implementation of the project he had executed during his NYSC program in FCT Abuja. He emphasized that basically, the training harped on the different aspects of promoting interfaith dialogue with one another to achieve sustainable development.

He pointed out that during his National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program in FCT Abuja the project which focused on SDG 3, 4, and 13 the project secured seed grant funding from URI as well as got recognition and commendation from the distinguished office of the Senator FCT, Abuja and the Sustainable Development Goals Support Services of FCT, Abuja.

Ambassador Salika stressed that the major problem that spurs religious disharmony in our society is a lack of deep knowledge and understanding of inter-religious issues.

‘It’s on this premise we felt is imperative to take the sensitization down to the grassroots in the society which are the young ones at the primary and secondary schools to equip our future leaders.’’

The CEO further said the Non-Governmental Organization has to put the responsibility of sensitization upon itself as the government at all levels is yet to include the teachings of Inter-Faith dialogue and the SDGS in the school curriculum, so we on our part, through Project IASAP are trying to promote interfaith harmony and peace for Achievement of Agenda 2030.

Prince Dr. Charles Dickson, one of the facilitators at the workshop, focused on Interfaith Collaboration and understanding among young people in educational institutions during his session.

Dr. Dickson said the location for the workshop is apt for the organizer to kick start it in plateau state which is known as the epicenter of religious crisis in Nigeria, as the program will help to educate them on the need to respect each other’s faith which will help to control religious crisis occasioned from disrespect for each other Faith.

Charles Dickson a Public analyst, further stressed for the youths, they must know the differences of each other’s Faith, as it would help to stem the tide of incessant crisis occasioned by misunderstandings in faith belief systems.

The schools who took part during the Interfaith Alliance for SDG Action Plan Workshop were Government Secondary School Jarawa, High Ground International School, De African Child and Mohammed Abdullahi schools all in plateau state.

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