The Case Of Sacked Plateau Workers Stalls By Absents Of Govt. In Court, Adjourns Till July.

By, giwa alex, Jos

The industrial court sitting in Jos, Plateau State has adjourned the cases of the Sacked Plateau  State Tertiary Institutions employed by  immediate past administration of Simon Bako Lalong by governor Caleb Mutfwang government for lack of due process of employment.

The case is slated today 7th June  2024 for adoption of final written address, but the counsel to the defendants  ,the government of Plateau State was conspicuously absent in court but only send in a letter  read to the hearing of the entire court.

According to the letter sign by one of the counsel in the state ministry of Justice  said defendants could not come to court due to the burial ceremony of Late Justice Gabriel Adamu Sha slated to hold 7th June 2024.

The letter further read that as long standing traditional ritual of the court, the professional colleagues of the  deceased most be in attendance to pay their last respects.

As against this background, the letter add the defendants are humbly seeking for an adjourned date that would be convenient with this honorable court.

In a quick reaction, the counsel to the Claimants barrister Nantok Dashwar vehemently opposed the application brought by the defendants, transmitted through letter writing  seeking for adjournment because of the burial of late justice Adamu Sha .

The counsel to the Claimants barrister  Dashwar who was visibly annoyed  told the court that its ridiculous that all the entire staff of ministry of justice could not have anybody in the ministry to represent them in the court because they are all going for burial .

He further pointed out that not too long ago a case was called , a counsel from the  ministry of justice was on ground to represent the government , questioned why the case of the Sacked workers different.

Nantok cited copiously from  similar case to back his argument,  to convince the court why the application seeking for an adjournment brought  by the defendants is grossly incompetent, should not allowed to see the light of the day, be thrown into trash can the right place it belongs.

The Claimants counsel further revealed to the court that the issue of   burial  the legal officer is taking as excuses,the NBA has issued circular to that effect that the burial has being put on hold till further notice.

In his ruling, the presiding judge ruled that he is not in position to hold brief for the defendants, but for fair hearing, and interest of justice,the claimants should allow the application for  benefit of doubt and concede to their adjournment plea.

As against this backdrop, the matter was however adjourned to 15th July for final written address. 

In an interview with Journalists, the counsel to Claimants Barr. Dashwar said they are only postponing the evil day stressed that at the end justice shall surely prevail . 

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