Gov. Mutfwang Inaugurates PLASIEC Officials With  Charges To Uphold The Tenets Of Democracy.

By, giwa alex, Jos 

Plateau State Governor, Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang, has inaugurated the Chairman and members of the Plateau State Independent Electoral Commission (PLASIEC), tasking them to ensure the conduct of free, fair, credible, and inclusive Local Government elections in the state.

Governor Mutfwang, while inaugurating officials of the Electoral body on Monday at the New Government House Little Rayfield, emphasized his administration’s mission to rectify past mistakes and ensure genuine grassroots governance in Plateau State.

“We have come with a mission of correcting the mistakes of the past and ensuring that the people of Plateau State truly elect those who will govern them at the grassroots,” said Governor Mutfwang.

He underscored the careful selection of the appointees, stressing that they were chosen based on their track records and experience in public service, following due screening by the Plateau State House of Assembly.

“The last two local government elections in the state were misfits and undemocratic, dragging the name of the state into disrepute among the community of states in Nigeria,” remarked Governor Mutfwang.

“This is an important and significant exercise for us because today marks a new dawn in the annals of PLASIEC. We have carefully selected these calibers of persons, particularly the Chairman, who has been in the business of conducting elections for years,” he added.

Governor Mutfwang charged the appointees to uphold the tenets of democracy through the conduct of free and fair elections, pledging that his administration would not interfere in the affairs of PLASIEC.

“I am a firm believer in the efficacy and effectiveness of local government administration, and so we will allow the people to elect those who they want to lead them. Since we came on board, we have not misused local government funds because we believe in having credible leadership at the local levels.”

“I want to assure Plateau people that we will raise the bar of credible and reputable local government elections. We will ensure true democracy takes place at the local levels. You are coming at a time when the Commission has trust deficit, and I, therefore, charge you to conduct local government elections in line with best global practices,” he affirmed.

The Chairman of the Commission, Hon. Plangji Daniel Chishak, expressed gratitude to the Governor for the appointments and pledged to rebuild the confidence of Plateau residents in the Commission.

“We receive these appointments with every sense of responsibility and humility. I want to assure you that, by the special grace of God, we will ensure credible elections in the local governments.”

Other members of the Commission are Theresa Kaze, Deborah Akanle, Waziri Kwande, Ado Adare, Audu Dorzhi, and Dr. Longman Pensiwan, while Pam Davou serves as the Secretary of the commission.


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