Gov.Mutfwang Sympathizes With Sen. ID Gyang Over The Demise Of His Younger Brother, Ishaku Dung Gyang. 

By, giwa alex, Jos 

Plateau State Governor, Barr. Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang, has extended his heartfelt condolences to Senator ID Gyang over the demise of his younger brother, Ishaku Dung Gyang.

As Governor Mutfwang described Ishaku as a community leader who dedicated his life for the promotion of peace and unity within his community. 

Mutfwang condolence message is contained in a Press statement dated 13th June 2024 signed by the Director of Press and Public Affairs to the governor Gyang Ebere and made available to this medium in Jos, plateau state.

He highlighted Ishaku’s selfless life which was committed to fostering family harmony and moral values among siblings.

Governor Mutfwang emphasized Ishaku’s profound impact on his community and beyond, noting that his demise has left a void that will be hard to fill.

The Governor prayed for God to grant Senator ID Gyang and his family the fortitude to bear irreplaceable  loss and for the departed soul to rest in eternal peace.

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