2024 Eid-EL-Kabir Celebration : Mutfwang Admonishes Muslims Ummah On Spiritual Reflection, As They Decries Cost Of Celebration.

By, giwa alex, Jos

Governor Caleb Mutfwang has admonished the Muslims in plateau  not only allow their celebration marking this year Eid-EL-Kabir centred on merry making, but should be used as spiritual sobre reflection and pray to Almighty Allah to intervene on Nigeria current situation.

This  Governor Mutfwang said is very important considering the plethora of challenges currently bedeviling the country Nigeria ranging from starvation, insecurity and other unpleasant vices in some parts of the state and Nigeria at large.

Mutfwang represented  by the Commissioner for Sport and Youths development Hon. Lanwadi Dati give the admonishment during the Eid-EL-Kabir prayers to mark this year 2024 celebration held at Jos Central Mosque 16th June 2024.

He Felicitates with  Muslims Ummah in the state , by extension Nigeria in general for peaceful celebration but however enjoined them as they celebrate to remember and pray for the state and the nation as a whole for Allah to take control of the current challenges that is gradually engulfing the whole nation.

However encouraged them not to loose hope for the country as these present challenges, with fervent prayer will definitely come to pass and become history by the Grace of Almighty Allah.

In another similar development, Senior adviser on Religious Affairs to the immediate past governor of Plateau State Alh. Sani Mudi decried the high cost of living which has hampered this year celebration of  Eid -El-Kabir.

Mudi said despite the various challenges the Muslims where able to meet with the obligations of ldi like the sacrifices of Ram for those who could afford it.

They have been able to meet with the high cost of Ram and skyrocket of prices of food stuffs in the market, they have been able to meet up with the necessary things that make the celebration  worthwhile. 

He stressed that lslam is religion of peace, and   Muslims Ummah are peace loving adherence to the Islamic teachings ,thank  Almighty Allah that this year Eid-EL-Kabir Celebration like the previous ones is celebrated peacefully devoid of rancor. 

But quick to lament the current economic challenges in the country that has incapacitated must families from carrying out the celebration the way it should .

Appeal to the government at all  levels , Federal , State possibly local government to prioritize the welfare of the citizens to feel the impacts of the dividends of democracy.

Admonished the people of the state and Nigeria to pray without seasons for their leaders in the positions of authority for the success of the state and country.

Sued the two religion ,Muslims and Christians to embrace peaceful Coexistence with one another that will enthroned viral development in all levels of government in the State  and the country at large.

However wish Governor Caleb Mutfwang and president Bola Ahmed Tinubu well ,prayed that Allah will guard and protect them in their respectives endeavors as they pilot the affairs of the state and the Nation in separate capacities. 

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