Hon. Ishaya Itse  Commends Former Deputy Speaker House Of Rep. Hon. Ahmed Idris Wase For Accepting To Reposition APC In plateau , Congratulates Him On His Birthday. 


Hon.   Ishaya Itse of the All Progressive Congress APC in plateau state has commended the Former Deputy Speaker House of Representatives in the 9th Assembly Hon Ahmed Idris Maje ,member Representing Wase Federal Constituency in the House of Representative for accepting  the responsibilities to be among those nominated by the party hierarchy to reposition the party , reconcile aggrieved member ahead coming local government election  other subsequent selections in the state.

 Itse  also congratulate the  honorable member for his birthday celebration as he  described him as bridge builder who has used his position as politician  likeable by the people of his Constituency bring them together under one ambrella which  has facilities bound of unity among them .



Itse    commended the Honorable member Ahmed Idris Wase for accepting to reposition the party to reclaim the seats in the coming elections in the state is a testament that he believed that APC still have more  dividend of democracy to offer to the people of plateau despite the temporary set back in the 2023 General election.

He further said that the members of APC in the state without menacing words has undiluted support  for Hon. Idris Maje, and assured to queue behind him in his quest for the repositioning  the party in the state that would be envy of all.

Called on the Hon. member  to try his  possible best by bringing        the member of the party into one ambrella  hitherto factionalize occasion by  misunderstanding within the party  .  

Hon. Itse called on the members of the party to give honorable Wase the maximum support to do his best to reposition party to be litmus test in the forthcoming local government election in the state when the councils electioneering campaign eventually flag off in the state.

Wished him happy birthday celebration prayed as God add year to his age, Almighty Allah Wil also increase him in wisdom to the benefits of his constituent, plateau State and Nigeria as a whole.

Happy Birthday

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