Nzem Berom 2024 : HRM Gbong Gwom Jos Jacob Gyang Buba Send Stern Warning To Desperate Lands Grabbers.

By, giwa alex, Jos

The Chairman Traditional Council of Chiefs and Emirs in Plateau State His Royal Majesty(HRM), Jacob Gyang Buba the Gbong Gwon Jos has send stern Warning to those  desperate to dispossessed  the Berom Nation, by extension plateau in general their God giving Ancestorial lands to personal use to be warned as the people of the state can no longer tolerate their excesses any longer , said enough is enough.

Said land of plateau is giving to them by God Almighty through their forefathers ,no body , no matter the threats and  killings would make them let it go to a total strangers.

The Royal Father handed down the warning during the celebration of 2024 Nzem Berom Cultural day , and  launching of Trust Fund for Berom sons and daughters which coincides with His Majesty 15 years on the throne held at the Rwang Pam Township Stadium Friday 17th 2024.

He decried the sporadic Killings of the sons and daughters of the  Plateau occasioned to quest to acquire their inheritance , Ancestorial land which was bequeathed to them by their forefathers through God Almighty.

He explained that wherever people find themselves should be seen to  owned by people as is the case of Plateau, stressed that the erroneous believe by some desperate people who stocked in trade of grabbing any available land belonging to another natives in most case ,killing and destroying their properties when they resisted their  acquisition cannot ,henceforth be taken lightly in the state.

The Royal Father use this welcome address at the occasion to welcome all who find time to attend the cultural event , stressed that people without culture are those without identity ,the yearly marked of Berom Culture is a pointer that we have cherished culture and tradition Urged all to emulate.

He revealed that this year Nzem Berom Cultural Day Celebration is marked in low kin following the sporadic  killings of innocent citizens of the state for just no reasons in some local government councils and the death of one of the member of the traditional council in the state in Kabong as Mark of honor.

Further reiterated  traditional  council  in the state and by extension Nigeria as whole to cooperate with government at different levels in finding lasting solutions to the mirage of problems and insecurities currently bedeviling the country.

Called on the Security agencies in the state and Nigeria in general to raise up to the immediate occasion of finding lasting solution to the insecurity ravaging the State and the entire country.

The call is imperative as farming season have set in to ensure farmers return to farm to avoid being attacked by those blood thirsty militias or bandits, what names they called themselves, to avoid further food Scarcity which is currently ravaging the entire state, and Nigeria. 

Dr. Gyang Buba shower accolade on Governor of Plateau State Barrister Caleb Mutfwang over his gant stride in the provision of developmental projects and performance less than one year in office , and his Readiness to reposition many mutilated policies of the immediate past APC government in the state.

Further adviced him not to lose focus as the machineries of the Traditional Council in the state is solidly in his support.

” As Traditional institution in the state, we are not unaware of the facts that the government cannot do everything alone that is the reason we are using this cultural celebration today to launch Trust Fund ” Nweru Legacy Foundation” when put in place will help to give hope to jobless plateau state youths and by extension Nigeria. 

Those that graced the event were the Senate president Godswill Apkabio, Secretary to federal government George Akume, governor of Gombe state, present and past state governor of Plateau State except governor Lalong which alleged to be bereaved. 

Others are senators, House of Representatives, commissioners, local government Transitions Implementation Chairmen and other digritries too numerous to mention.

Cultural display added colour to the occasion . 

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