2024 Democracy Day Celebration : Plateau APC Factional Chairman Hon. Ishaya Itse Salutes Nigerians, Urges Tinubu To Remain Focus. 

 The Factional Chairman of the All Progressive Congress APC in Plateau  State,Hon Ishaya Itse has Salutes Nigerians  on the occasion of 2024 Democracy Day as being observed in Nigeria  and Plateau in particular.

The Factional  Opposition leader in Plateau ,Ishaya Itse commended  The governor  of for his developmental strives and infrastructural growth in the state within one year as governor of the state.


The APC Chairman in the State further state in his Goodwill message,acknowledged the patriotic and industrious disposition of the Governor,urged him to remain focus and don’t allow any distractions from any quarters.

He said “Despite all the challenges bedeviling the  State ranging from insecurity, economic hardships and others mirage of problems, I urge all the citizens of the state to remain patriotic and optimistic of a better and greater State.

Hon.itse further said “May l also call on the citizens of Plateau state and  Nigeria at large to continue to contribute their quota to peace, unity and development of the state and the nation as a whole. 

While our democracy may have not grown to where we all expected, all hands must be on deck if the prosperity of the state most  be attained”

He congratulated President Bola Ahmed Tinubu  on the remarkable celebration urging him  to work in the best interest of the  Nation . 

While wishing the citizens a successful Democracy Day celebration, he admonished them to eschew bitterness, ethnic/religious chauvinism and other unhealthy tendencies capable of threatening the peace and development of the State.

Happy Democracy Day Plateau. 

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