Hon . Ahmed Idris Maje Host APC Stakeholders ,Need To Reposition The Party And National Issues Topped Agenda. 

By, giwa alex, Jos 

The immediate Deputy Speaker in the house of representative , and member Representing Wase Federal Constituency in the house of Representative Honorable Ahmed Idris Maje has hosted the All  Progressive Congress APC Stakeholders of the Party with the need to reposition the party in the state ahead  the next election.          Honorable Idris Ahmed  hosted group comprised the stakeholders  of APC party to celebrate Eid-EL-Kabir 2024 sallah  celebration which coincides  with the honorable Maje’s birthday.  

The gathering of the party’s stakeholders can  best be described as tripartite celebrations because it also involves  the   warming of house  which  which  can be best  referred to Sallah celebration, his birthday held in Abuja.

The event was attended by several prominent figures of the party, including two former Governors of Plateau State , Simon  Bako Lalong  Joshua Chibi Dariye former Senators,  Deputy Governor and a Minister.

Others Notable attendees included,  Dame Pauline Tallen and others.

The event also saw the presence of serving and former Senators of the house of Representatives , State Assembly members and elders of the party.

 The relaxed atmosphere created conducive environment  for  discussions on national issues geared towards fostering progress for of the nation.

Hon. Idris  Wase used the opportunity to advocate for peaceful coexistence and  promotion of diversity for the common good of the APC  on the plateau  and Nigeria in general. 

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