Prof. Patrick Dakum Advocates For Salary Scale For Nigeria Politicians To Avoid  Suffocation Of Our Democracy Financially . 

By, giwa alex ,Jos 

Plateau State Governorship Candidate on the platform of Labour Party, LP, in 2023 General Election, professor Patrick Dakum has advocated for salary scale for all the serving and would be politicians in the state which will be in line with the country civil service rules.

The advocacy if implemented will ease financial pressure on the country democracy which is at the verge of being financially suffocated by the politicians financial entitlement.

The CEO of Institute Of Human Virology said the less financially beneficial the job of the politician is, the better for democracy.

Dr. Dakum was speaking recently over the hardship the citizens are currently going through as they can no longer afford one square meal a day, while politicians are swimming in millions.

He said “when I said less financially, I mean let’s put the politicians on salary scale and   subject them to civil service rules.”

”  Of course, they will not be 35

 years in service or whatever, they should have more allowances to cover up for the pensions of four years they will be in office   

Dakum who has be very passionate over the welfare of the citizens of the country stressed that “let us further institute a lifestyle audit that will lead to investigation particularly  the politicians and their flamboyant life at the detriment of the  impoverished classless citizens of the country. 

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