Gov. Mutfwang Sets To Reposition  Ease Of Doing Business In Plateau, Constitutes Council To Remove Hiccups Bedeviling NASME. 

By, giwa alex, Jos

The plateau state governor Barrister Caleb Mutfwang has constituted council for ease of doing business where  agencies relevant to the development of Nigerian Association of Small And Medium Enterprise(NASME),to ensure the removal of the hiccups hitherto bedeviling the agency in the state.

As the council is currently headed by the Secretary to the State government of Plateau, architect Samuel Jatau which is a pointer that His Excellency Caleb Mutfwang is very desirous and importance attached to the agency.

The Director General SMSE Bomkam Wuyep revealed this in an interview  with Journalists during the Inauguration of Nigerian Association Of Small And Medium Enterprise (NASME), plateau State Executive , and local Government coordinators Exhibition of made in plateau products held at CSDS Hall opposite  Crispan Hotel Ray Field Tuesday 21st May 2024.

The Director General said governor Mutfwang knowing the importance of NASME as the engine room of the economic of the state which contributed almost 75 percent to the state gross domestic products and about 90 percent of employment to teeming population of the populace of the state.

The DG further stressed the government under governor Mutfwang can’t under score  NASME in the state which he described very key, which informed why  governor  Mutfwang introduction of initiative to it growth and development in the state.

Further revealed that the governor on assumption of office as the executive Governor of the state, strengthened official of the NASME in the state by retraining the Staff to be able to handle the challenges they face in the course of the job. 

To ensure close monitoring of the agency for effective workability in the state, the governor appointed Secretary to the State Government Samuel Jatau which is a demonstration that Governor Mutfwang “Time is Now Administration” is very serious with the program.

He also revealed that the governor Inaugurated the NASME council in the state headed by the Secretary to the State Government Architect Samuel Jatau which we have pass the policy as proposed by the Barrister Caleb Mutfwang which we shall be launching by June that would have positive impact for NASME in the state.

Added that the governor has also gone ahead to appoint Special Adviser in Governor’s Office on NASME, and will soon have Special Adviser on skills Acquisition that will help to grant the  NASME development in the state.

“Plateau finance agency is also the agency of the state government for poverty reduction through jobs promotion, so for the governor to strengthen that agency is a pointer that he has strong passion on NASME in the state.”

Although  there is this erroneous believe that plateau is a civil service State, but we should also bear it at the back of our mind that government cannot provide everything including jobs, the reason why we are creating enabled environment for our NASME in the State. 

“Our strategic position as agency is to facilitate finances for the NASME agency in the state, that have been bedevilled  by  challenges before now, with the establishment of NASME Development  Fund ,the DG said the government is able to get  accessible and affordable financing for Plateau State NASME that  will be sustainable.

The state government have done series of training for member of NASME which is expected that those who benefited will in turn train those who may have not have the previlage to benefit. 

 Bomkam said the government of the state is also making  frantic efforts  in facilitating marketing linkage with the agency which is part of our strategy, advised  members of the agency to leverage on the rare opportunity. 

He submitted that these and may more are some of the efforts governor Mutfwang is making to sustain the sub sector on the plateau, further revealed that plateau have a lot of unique products which is not know by the people, but when we take advantage of NASME for their market to be  know Nation wide.

Add that the state government is currently partnering with bank of industry for the standardization of our products and to reduce the cost of production, as you know that there is inflation in the State, and country as a whole and compete with other products in other places. 

He revealed that Governor Mutfwang led government have approved the third phase of COVID 19 which the government is currently looking out for grants for NASME on the plateau. 

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