Party Aside, Gov. Mutfwang One Year In Office Surpasses Simon Bako Lalong 4 Years Put Together ,As He Couldn’t Control The Party—-Hon. Ishaya Itse.

By, giwa alex, Jos

The Factional Chairman of APC in plateau state honorable Ishaya Itse will not stop stating the obvious, by comparing the achievement of his Party ,the All Progressive Congress APC in plateau state under senator Bako’s administration 4 years as governor of the state to Caleb Mutfwang of PDP administration 1 Year in the office. 

As the Factional APC Chairman in the state said this is not about party or membership of the same party, but is about stating the obvious by telling the citizens of plateau and by extension Nigeria the truth that 1 year of People’s Democratic Party PDP, in plateau under Mutfwang  cannot be compared to 4 years of All Progressive Congress APC, under Lalong led administration.

The embattled APC Chairman in the state honorable Ishaya Itse spoke  to Journalists in telephone interview recently in Jos the state capital.

He said is not time to be economical with the truth , stressed that the time of politicking is over,  is time to give the dividend of democracy to the people of plateau who queue under  scorching sun to elect  leaders they thought would savage them from poverty and other Inhuman vices.

As APC Chairman,i  want to tell the citizens of  plateau,and Nigerians that governor Bako Lalong administration failed woofully during  the period under review, to say the least is total wast which can best described as “Wasted Years” on the plateau. 

He further add that those who are comparing the administration of PDP under Caleb Mutfwang to that of APC during Lalong are those honorable Itse referred  to as political mischief makers who hide under party feeding from the crumbs from Political table of their masters regardless of their inefficiency in office.

He stressed that plateau State belongs to all, and  bigger than single or groups of individuals ,as  against the background,we cannot afford to use it  to play cheap politics for  selfish and parochial interest.

The Factional Chairman outline the developmental projects of Mutfwang administration just within One year to include, transforming the road networks in the state, provision of transportation buses to reduce the suffering of  masses following  removal of oil subsidy, timely distribution of fertilizer to farmers in the state, aggressive intervention on security breach in any parts of the state ,and other numerous achievements just within the space of a year in office as the  Executive Governor .

As APC Chairman in the state, I am in advantage position to educate people the achievements of my party , APC, one year in office under governor Lalong, sorry to revealed that our celebration to marked  one year in office  was practically paper work not practical for the citizens of the state to see as its in Mutfwang’s administration that you can feel ,touch as the case may be. 

This Itse said is occasioned by the former governor  Bako Lalong inability to distinguished between  governance from friendship  where enormous power were left in hands of political amateurs ,groups and  individuals because they operate within the political power brokers in the party  or introduced by those in corridor of power.

He gives  example of Professor Danladi Atu, the SGS during  the period, who weighed  much unregulated power ,and unilaterally hand picked those he feels should  loyal to him as local government Chairmen and bring  returns to his illegal coffers.

Professor Atu literally become a hard nut to crack as governor Bako Lalong no longer put him under check which later brought the reign of the party on impunity to end in 2023 general election. 

Those  actions and several others destroyed APC under Lalong because he lack leadership qualities to lead the Party in the state which gives room to some persons to hijacked the party and turned  themselves into “Demi gods” like Rufus Bature, the seif acclaimed  APC Chairman,one of the political virus who eventually killed and finally buried the party in 2023 general election in the state, Itse maintained. 

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